Sunday, January 9, 2011

To lengthen your life, shorten your meals.  ~Proverb

Sure, the most standard New Years resolution is to drop the lbs, lose weight, cut back, get slim.  We've heard it before, and we'll continue to hear it for years to come.  Well, in 2011, MY resolution is to drop the lbs, lose weight, cut back, and get slim.  Honestly, it's been my resolution for the past five years.  And each and every time, I've failed.  Why?  I am horrible at holding myself accountable.  I live by myself, I work long days, cooking takes too much time -- all of the excuses in the book?  You can apply those right to me.

We're in a new year.  I'm 23 (almost 24) years old, and need a change.  I'm tired of being the 'girl with the pretty face' -- I want to be the beautiful girl; the thin girl; the girl that turns heads.  And this year?  I'm going to do it - I'm going to BE that girl.

However...I need YOUR help.  I need your motivation, your accountability - and your faith.  Sure, I have no idea who 'YOU' is, but that's the beauty of it.  Hopefully, I'll mix and mingle (in the blogosphere world, of course) with men and women desiring to do the same; and men and women who need people like those I'm seeking to keep THEM accountable.  Will you be my person?

I'll start this journey tomorrow.  I'll post pictures of the scale weekly.  I'll blog great recipes that I had, or if I had a bad day.  It's all going to be out in the open on this blog.  

I hope you'll join me on this life-changing adventure.

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