Monday, January 10, 2011

Resolutions...What're They?

Like I said below, I'm not the best at keeping New Years resolutions -- I get bored within a week, and it's over.  This year, I'm making them AND sticking to it.  I hope with this blog, it will keep be accountable for not only my weight-loss resolution, but all of my resolutions as a whole.

1. Meet at least one new person per week.  I work in an office full of women, and after a long day, I'm sort of a hermit.  This year, I want to get out there, try new things and meet new people.  I've recently taken up photography, so I'm thinking that'll be a fun, cheap way to meet people.

2. Save $$!  Since I'm looking to move into a condo downtown in six months, I need to start saving now.  No more fast food trips, no more mindless spending at Target, no more drinks at the's the necessities and that's it!

3. Lose the pounds and get happy!  My goal weight is 130.  Right now, I'm 174.6.  That's 44.6 lbs in six months.  2 lbs per week -- I can definitely do that!

4. Maintain my two blogs (personal and this weight-loss).  I've always wanted to be an avid blogger, but get busy, and forget to update.  Not this year, my friends!

So here's to 2011, new resolutions, and a new me!  Cheers!


  1. Happy Friend Makin' Monday! I too have had a hard time keeping my blog updated, but I am on a roll so far this year!

    Good luck with all your resolutions...they are great ones!

  2. Happy FMM! Blogging is tough sometimes, I love to do it, but I don't always have something to say (hard to believe!). :)

  3. Big goals! I love it! =) Go for it!!!
