Monday, January 10, 2011

Drumroll Please...

I woke up this morning, ready to conquer the world...and my weight.  I stepped on the scale, and realizes I am at the heaviest I've ever been...not okay!  In high school, I was the head cheerleader, weighed 135 (not super thin, but fit) and felt great.  I was able to work out for, I can't even go for half an hour.

So here it goes...

Yep - I'm 174.6.  Let's keep in mind here that I'm 5'3".  My ideal weight is 107-140.  My 2011 goal?  130.  That's 44.6 lbs that I'd like to drop in six months.  That's 8 lbs per month, and 2 lbs per week.  Definitely manageable.

As I lay in bed this morning, I was reflecting over what my problem is with losing weight.  I came up with a few, that have all now translated into mini-NY resolutions.

1. I'm a bored-eater.  I eat when I'm bored.  If I'm just sitting on the couch, I always feel the need to eat, even if I'm stuffed.

2. I don't work out.  This is a HUGE reason why I'm...huge!  My goal is one hour per day, five days a week.  Definitely something manageable to start out with, and I'll up it as time goes on.

3. I eat fast, and I eat large portions.  This is pretty self-explanatory, so my resolution is to take smaller bites, enjoy what I'm eating, and go from there.

So the adventure begins.  This morning, I had scrambled eggs with mushrooms and cottage cheese.  Not too bad considering I do not usually eat breakfast.  I'm about to enjoy a cup of coffee (no foofy stuff...just plain, black coffee) and get some work done.

Onward to 2011 - let's drop this weight!

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